Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Brief Introduction

For those who do not yet know me, I'm Ryan. I'm an English/Comm major, concentrating in journalism, with a planned minor in math or general science.

The title of my blog is a reference to Kurt Vonnegut.

I have been attempting to reconcile my personal ethics with a particular school of philosophy. Having been drawn to the meaningless charm of nihilism.

I like feeling trains pass by my window.

I'm not very good at blogging, so I will probably end up writing a paper.

I'm a vegetarian for ethical reasons that I don't mind discussing rationally.


David K. Braden-Johnson said...

Is it the charm of meaninglessness or a meaningless charm that you find appealing (charming)? (BTW: you may want to turn off "word verification" to make comenting easier.)

Unknown said...

I'll do so as soon as I figure it out. Also, it is the charm of meaninglessness, sorry for the ambiguity.

Specific Relativity said...


David K. Braden-Johnson said...

I see; what exactly is the charm of meaninglessness?